
Our Ready For School Intensive Tutoring Plans

We offer a Full Comprehensive Multi Subjects Tutoring Plan designed to ensure complete readiness for the new academic year.  5 days, 2 hours per day, Any subjects (Maths, German, Science, Chemistry, Biology, French, English, & More).

Our most personalised approach. Customised. Comprehensive. Reimagined. Enroll Now!

Intensive Personalised Tutoring Plan 1 | Tutoring Plan
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Book now and be ready from the start

You can book the week of the 5th August 2019 or the week of the 12th August 2019. Or both!

CHF 499 per week. (Save CHF50 when you join our weekly Tutoring Plan)

We help dedicated parents to hire a Trustworthy & Highly Effective Tutor so their children's marks can improve significantly within 28 days without giving up their hobbies and play time.

We help dedicated parents to hire a Trustworthy & Highly Effective Tutor so their children's marks can improve significantly within 28 days without giving up their hobbies and play time.